
  • Radu Negulescu, General Manager Trencadis

    As professionals and performers, even though we are animated by our own objectives, we focus our limited time and attention on projects, projections, partnerships, clients, colleagues. But never us. We never truly focus on ourselves. Until I’ve met Maria, I have never realized that for a second. Through an approach based on years of experience, but, at the same time, very personalized, extremely authentic and full of essence, Maria offers me the frame where the time and attention are focused only upon myself. I had completely ignored that part before. This frame and this time with Maria are, simply, unique moments which are only about me, where Maria, through wisely chosen words, succeeds to inspire, to generate revelations, those internal WOW moments.

  • Raluca Avramescu, Manager Resurse Umane Arctic

    I admit that I have been fascinated by Maria since the very first day I met her. And since then, every interaction with her not only exceeds my expectations, but it continues to amaze me. As a coach, she is extremely present and she deeply connects to what the client is saying, to what the client is NOT saying, to what the client is living. The perseverance and abnegation with which she accompanies her clients, keeps them in the shape they need to bring the necessary change in their personal and professional lives. Once you have started a journey with Maria, you have practically insured yourself the VIP role in your own life and all you have to do is stay open to the challenges that Maria is serving you with impeccable elegance.

  • Carmen R., Country Sales Manager intr-o companie multinational de logistica

    For me, the business coach Dana-Maria Andrei has become a dialogue partner so necessary for my introspection process. Together we question my own thoughts and actions, we discover new ways of approach for my business and personal matters, which are much more efficient. Maria succeeds to bring me back on track by being both firm and warm, determined and empathic for all which is human. It is about the comfort and safety you feel when you have a Grand Slam coach besides you.

  • Malvina Cervenschi, General Manager Malensky

    The coaching experience with Dana Maria is a great support in really setting my business in place and with my overall performance. The coaching hours with Dana Maria are simply a revelation. It is a real experience which channels my energy and my perseverance towards the roads and solutions best fit for me and my business. Thus, I truly feel I can truly conquer the world. It is like having a partner who helps me match all the puzzle pieces of my life in order to obtain the best picture. Also, one of the best gains is that I have obtained an amazingly productive overall understanding of my business. Thus I manage to look at my business from new and original perspectives. Most of all, I learn to function in a healthy manner when I relate to myself, to my team, to my environment. All this leads to a healthy, productive business.

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