
Bullying, failure, low self-image, and poor character decisions are at the heart of many of the challenges facing young people today. John Maxwell and the John Maxwell Team have decided to do something about it. Certified John Maxwell Team speakers are offering YouthMAX, a leadership training for youth organizations around the world.

Stand Up and Be Counted – Learn positive attitudes and actions that will help stop bullying and lift others up.

This lesson teaches youth how to deal with bullying in a positive, affirming way:

  • StandUp –Be confident in your own value.
  • LiftUp –Use your influence to help others.
  • PickUp –Help others who are being bullied by picking them up.

Developing a Positive Self-Image – Understand and apply key ways to develop and maintain a positive self-image.
Developing a Positive Self-Image teaches youth that we all are unique and have high value to others. With this in mind we can build personal confidence and develop daily habits that will help youth maintain a positive self-image.

Developing Strong Personal Character – Learn what it takes to develop a strong and effective personal character.
According to John Maxwell, character is the number one differentiator between shooting stars and people who obtain and maintain life-long success. His lesson Developing Personal Character teaches youth how to choose positive character based daily decisions that will help bring their actions and values in line and help them learn to achieve lasting personal success.

Learning to Fail Forward to Success – Learn powerful, proven ways to look at failure in a new way and use life’s failures to build success.
John Maxwell’s lesson, Learning to Fail Forward to Success, teaches that failure is the foundation for all success. This lesson helps youth understand how to learn from failure, change, and grow toward success.

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